Japanese Beginners

Introduction to the Japanese Language

  1. Japanese Writing System
  2. Japanese Sound System
  3. Hiragana
  4. Katakana
  5. Kanji
  6. How to Start a Lesson (keirei
  7. Essential Classroom Expressions
  8. Understanding Japanese Sentence Structure

Topic 1: Family Life and Home

  1. Greetings
  2. Introducing Yourself & Your Family
  3. Describing Your Family Members
  4. Talking about Birthdays
  5. Telling Time
  6. Daily Routines and Activities at Home
  7. Likes and Dislikes
  8. Health and Sickness

Topic 2: Neighbourhoods and Communities

  1. Your House and Japanese Houses
  2. Neighbourhoods
  3. Asking and Giving Directions
  4. At a Shop
  5. At a Restaurant

Topic 3: Education and Work

  1. Your School and Japanese Schools
  2. Your Day at School (Classroom Expressions)
  3. Further Education; Part-time Jobs (arubaito); Profession and Work

Topic 4: Friends, Recreation and Pastimes

Topic 5: Holidays, Travel and Tourism

  1. Destination and Transport
  2. Accommodation, Sightseeing and Weather

Topic 6: Future Plan and Aspirations

Additional Workshops

  1. Answering Listening & Reading Comprehension Questions
  2. Writing Scaffolds
  3. Tips for Speaking Assessments

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